
Tirril, Cumbria

client: private

status: constructed September 2023

photography: September 2023

A garden just outside of Tirril with an incredible backdrop of a contemporary Dutch barn. The expanse garden wraps around the house on all sides, with the creation of a curved stone seat to the side of the property with a built in pour water feature orientated towards the beautiful vista of the Pennine fells. Around the seating is a rockery featuring a matrix of planting including creeping herbs, ornamental grasses, perennials and dwarf shrubs.

Infront of the property a large wildlife pond has been situated in the landscape with dogwoods and willows planting with understory spring flowering bulbs including, Fritillaries and Camassias.

A large sloping planting bed designed behind the house with swathes of low growing conifers, colourful stemmed dogwoods, heathers, perennials and ornamental grasses which will attract wildlife and stabalise the soil.